

Below the table, enter first name, last name, telephone number and email and press the "SEND" button. Thank you!
All data will be deleted at the end of the current production.

Venue: Kleine Bühne, Bleichstraße 28, 35390 Gießen

Task when to be at venue Fri 22.11. Fri 29.11. Sat 30.11. Fri 06.11.+MtK*) Sat 07.12. Fri 13.12. Sun 15.12.
Show Coordinator 5.30pm Udo
Tickets 6pm
Press Duty 6.30pm x x x x x x
Announcement 6pm
Usher 6pm
Bar helper 1 6pm
Bar helper 2 6pm
Box Office 6.15pm
Stand-by helper 1 6pm
Stand-by helper 2 6pm
please enter your FIRST name
your LAST name
your telephone number
your email address